Jun 13Liked by AutoMarketplace

I want to congratulate Automarketplace for being so accurate on the last post about the NYTWA protest, i wasn’t there personally but some people i know went to protest against Uber but also TLC, according to what i was told by them NYTWA did not allowed this people to enter the protest with their banner because of what it said “Reform TLC, abolish UR” they were told they could stay but not to gather around the NYTWA group unless they put their banners aside.

About the meeting….I can honestly say they did much more talking that what i was expecting, at least Comissioner Bader did, even though for a few seconds on his speech i wasn’t sure if he was referring to “lockouts” itself or “deactivations”. Their exact words…“going to look into anyway we can, so we can alleviate this problem”, plus David Do’s “supply control” final comment, these were enough just to let the industry know they are actually working or have the initiative of working on something to “alleviate” the lockouts situation, is it going to be by fully enforcing the UR while prohibiting lockouts, by capping driver licenses and eliminating the UR or by sitting down with Uber and work on something that “works for everybody” (most likely not happening lol) is what’s still in question here…

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Thanks and also great commentary. To your points re. what the TLC is going to do re. lockouts it's very interesting. Something is definitely brewing, it'll be interesting to see what they come up with. Hopefully, it's good and they need to do it sooner rather than later, especially before August hits!

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Jun 14Liked by AutoMarketplace

I agree, they gotta speed things up. More than once I have seen you guys predict exactly what the regulator ends up doing down the road , hope if what they do to get some insights is come to this website that they continue to do so, you guys do a GREAT JOB!

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Jun 13Liked by AutoMarketplace

They are probably going to bring back the planner. Which is the same but more predictable. Come on tlc remove the UR, stop this yearly drama over a minimum wage job.

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