Jun 25Liked by AutoMarketplace

I spoke too soon, lyft started locking out last night smh

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Jun 24Liked by AutoMarketplace

Next week Lyft will start locking out and the real shitshow will begin. Drivers are seeing up to 50% less money on a daily basis.

Many find themselves driving aimlessly trying to log in wasting valuable times that can be spent with family or simply resting.

Last might a TLC driver fell asleep at the wheel and I wouldn’t doubt its because they are on the road for longer time trying to reach their daily goals.

This is a serious problem that is resulting in many damages being done across the industry.

The camels back is about to break.

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Jun 25Liked by AutoMarketplace

I'm already making less than $100 a day. Even if you drive to a busy area and get online, there are already a ton of drivers, and you don't get any pings. SMH. Anywhere to donate some money and sue TLC for this mess?

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Jun 25Liked by AutoMarketplace

The NYTWA is trying to organize different strikes so something can be done. If this last thru the year I can see at least 10,000 drivers are gonne be forced to quit

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Think some actions that can be taken that doesn't involve money is to join a driver advocacy group in a public protest about lockouts, try to get a meeting with a local City Council Member or write a letter to a City Council Member. Try to get as many driver voices heard as possible (we're trying to help do that as well with this publication). NYTWA has already sued TLC several times in the past 12-18 months and might even take legal action on this. Do not have any connection with NYTWA btw, but they seem to be the most active and influential advocates. Don't agree with them on everything, but they do get things done which is respectable. IDG is also doing things, but they seem to be less aggressive (have less clout) than NYTWA. Also a lot of independent driver advocates. Think its time for drivers to come together on this specific topic and set aside their other differences or address those differences at another time.

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Jun 25Liked by AutoMarketplace

As a cab driver for 18 years i have never seen it this bad. Out expenses can range from 15k to 50k a year depending on the vehicle and that number is constant whether we work or not so u can only survive for so long until u cant.

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