Sorry your position is false Ubers are only Gypsies with tech

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The basis of your argument is greed , your opinions are motivated by jealousy , medallions have a exclusive valuable right which includes ehail , you need to THINK about what a street hail means , especially when it came to street hail rights , IT IS THE EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO PICK UP PEOPLE IN THE CITY OF NY ON ITS STREETS , there are no exceptions as to kinds of government , culture or technology , the exclusive right to pick up streethails is the exclusive right to take people from point a to point b in NYC . period

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Apr 10·edited Apr 10

If you are using your phone to streethail you are street hailing, it doesn't matter if you use your phone to do it , using your phone to do it doesn't make it not a streethail , it's just a different method of streethail , streethail is not defined by raising your hand , but defined as a right to do something , exclusive to take people from point a to b

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Apr 10·edited Apr 10

The courts are not the end game nor also correct at all times, this is one of those times

But you know I'm right bc when you take something that's not yours , you can never feel right

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