Jun 12Liked by AutoMarketplace

They made mad money whit the ev plates Issuance

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Jun 11·edited Jun 12Liked by AutoMarketplace

I agree, NYTWA'S power cannot be underestimated at this point. Do they have their own "yellow agenda"? I believe so, I wouldn't be surprised if they try to get something that benefits only the yellow cab sector after all.

That "dirty" secret can easily be misinterpreted as a reason to blame TLC for lockouts and I might be totally wrong here correct me if I am please, but one thing is these yellow cab dispatched rides through Uber not being subject of UR but these rides could've been assigned to Uber drivers and contribute positively on Uber’s UR.

TLC need to stop remaining SILENT in regards this matter (lockouts, UR, Driver supply) even though their Agenda for tomorrow’s meeting is not intented for any these topics, Will David Do dedicate at least 10 seconds to say something about the current situation after the meeting? Will see.

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Jun 11Liked by AutoMarketplace

TLC should have by now dropped this ridiculous UR and capped new TLC licenses it just shows that tlc commissioner is just immune to what's happening all caused by him and the Eric adams with his EV, now drivers are suffering and no one is held accountable, drivers need to unite and join these protests it's might just be loud enough to reach Dos office

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Jun 11Liked by AutoMarketplace

The TLC added 10,000 EV plates, and now drivers can't get any work, people can't get any rides, and everyone's angry. It's the TLC's fault.

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Jun 11Liked by AutoMarketplace

The culprit is the TLC-not Uber. Uber is merely playing the game as best they can to their benefit and profitability. The TLC is the rule maker. The TLC needs to drop UR and merely control the supply of drivers and cars on their end so drivers make fair earnings. UR was a nice idea somewhere in academia but we are now seeing the reality of it and I doubt those who came up with UR ever imagined that a rideshare company would simply not engage by locking out drivers. It’s time for the TLC to put its big boy pants on and act according to its mission.

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